A Yearlong
Deep Inner Game

Carefully Designed To Transform Your Life Through Direct Coaching from 10 times New York Times Bestselling Author, Neil Strauss

The culmination of 20+ years in the field of personal development

Over the last two years, I've spent some time working intimately with a small group of people... And I've seen each of them achieve some of the most profound personal transformations I have ever witnessed in my career. The last few months, I also realized that the key to helping them achieve even faster results than with direct coaching alone was to add in some lectures and experiential exercises in the process. It made me think of everything I've done in the last 20+ years. From researching and writing over 10 New York Times bestsellers, to creating a large community of likeminded and growth-oriented individuals, leading powerful three-day events all around the world, and helping thousands of people achieve life-changing transformations. And I started thinking: How can I take the best parts of everything I've ever learned and experienced over the last two decades and bring everything together to guarantee that you get the biggest and most impactful transformation of your life?
And then something clicked. And my team and I went to work.
And we created what might be the most powerful program I have ever put together.   

Join me for monthly transformative workshops and make this the year you finally move past your Deep Inner Game issues

 Since February 2023, I have lead monthly transformative workshops. These aren't the kind of workshop where content is jammed down your throat and you're lucky if you remember 20% by the end of it. This is a meticulously crafted Deep Inner Game intensive where you identify your deepest issues, learn to let them go, and start building the life you have always wanted. Except, unlike the Deep Inner Game intensives I've put on in the past... This one is spread over an entire year. Each of the monthly workshops includes four components: 
  •  A lecture that will provide you with one important piece you'll need to move past your deepest inner game issues. 
  •  A powerful exercise that will help you immediately apply the material into your life. 
  •  A Q&A section to make sure you all of your questions about the material have been answered. 
  •  An assignment to make sure you fully internalize the lesson before the next workshop by applying its core lesson to your daily life. 
 This is a cumulative experience where every new piece builds on what was previously learned. And over the course of the year, you will be able to heal decades of damage and achieve a powerful and long-lasting personal transformation. 

Three Ways To Transform Your Life

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Monthly 90-minute Deep Inner Game Virtual Seminar with Neil Strauss. 
Monthly Assignment to help you integrate the material into your own life.
Access to a Large WhatsApp Group where you can stay in touch with each other in-between sessions.
Join an additional small group coaching session with Neil every month to work through more personal issues.
Access to a Private WhatsApp Group with Neil Strauss and your monthly group, so that you can get continuous support in-between the coaching sessions and seminars.
Join an additional small group coaching session with Neil every week to work through more personal issues.
Access to a Private WhatsApp Group with Neil Strauss and your weekly group, so that you can get continuous support in-between the coaching sessions and seminars.
Unrestricted Access to Neil's entire content library, which contains over 300 hours of footage from over 40 world-renowned experts on a wide range of subjects, which will help you transform every area of your life.

Three Ways To Transform Your Life



Yearlong Intensive
Monthly Seminar

Monthly 90-minute Deep Inner Game Virtual Seminar with Neil Strauss. 
Monthly Assignment to help you integrate the material into your own life.
Access to a Large WhatsApp Group where you can stay in touch with each other in-between sessions.
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Monthly Seminar +

Monthly Coaching

Monthly 90-minute Deep Inner Game Virtual Seminar with Neil Strauss. 
Monthly Assignment to help you integrate the material into your own life.
Access to a Large WhatsApp Group where you can stay in touch with each other in-between sessions.
Join an additional small group coaching session with Neil every month to work through more personal issues.
Access to a Private WhatsApp Group with Neil Strauss and your monthly group, so that you can get continuous support in-between the coaching sessions and seminars.
Unrestricted Access to Neil's entire content library, which contains over 300 hours of footage from over 40 world-renowned experts on a wide range of subjects, which will help you transform every area of your life.
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Monthly Seminar +

Weekly Coaching

Monthly 90-minute Deep Inner Game Virtual Seminar with Neil Strauss. 
Monthly Assignment to help you integrate the material into your own life.
Access to a Large WhatsApp Group where you can stay in touch with each other in-between sessions.
Join an additional small group coaching session with Neil every week to work through more personal issues.
Access to a Private WhatsApp Group with Neil Strauss and your weekly group, so that you can get continuous support in-between the coaching sessions and seminars.
Unrestricted Access to Neil's entire content library, which contains over 300 hours of footage from over 40 world-renowned experts on a wide range of subjects, which will help you transform every area of your life.

The Origin of Your Issues

When you were born, your mind was like a blank slate. You knew nothing of the world, the people who inhabited it, or even about yourself. Through your early life experiences, you start making sense out of these three elements. You internalized ideas about how the world works, how other people are, as what your personal role in the world is. However, if, during that period of time, your primary caretakers put you in a position that was anything less than nurturing, you likely developed what we call a developmental wound. And unless is was properly dealt with, you likely internalized it into a limiting belief.  
 If you were hungry and your caretaker refused to feed you, you may have developed the belief that you cannot trust others to take care of your needs. If your parents prioritized work over you, you may have internalized the idea that you were not important, or not good enough to get their attention. If your parents acted like they were always right, you may have developed a disdain for authority, or did the complete opposite, and learned never to question figures of authority. No matter what your background is—everyone has their own unique version of this.
And unless you have already done some work around it, these dysfunctional beliefs (and the internalized shame often accompanies them) will keep pulling the strings of your unconscious mind and keep making you get in your own way...
And as part of this yearlong intensive, we'll identify these dysfunctional beliefs and help you finally move past them.  

A Framework for Transformation

As a general framework for psychological healing, think of your childhood wounds, your limiting beliefs, and the internalized shame as cancerous tumors attached to your heart by a short elastic cord. When you go through some of the more advanced healing processes, such as the ones I described in The Truth, you're able to pull that ugly tumor out of your chest and get a glimpse of who you really are without it to see the difference between your authentic self and the reactive self that makes a mess of your life.
However, when the process ends, the elastic snaps back and the tumor goes right back in. That is, unless you keep pulling it out and looking at it, because, if you stretch that elastic enough times, it'll eventually wear out. And when you release the tumor, it will no longer snap back into you, but instead hang outside limply. A passenger in your life, but no longer in the cockpit.
And that's why this is so powerful: By stretching that elastic every month as part of the yearlong intensive, your issues will loosen their attachment over you. And you will learn to see yourself more clearly than you ever have. 

Hear from our members


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Hear from our members





Three Keys to Deep Change

In order to achieve the kind of results you are looking for and finally break free of these limitations, I found that three things are necessary:
If you have been following along, you probably know what the first one is: To make a commitment to do the work, no matter how uncomfortable it may become. Because the reality is that, in order to grow, you have to face some of the most uncomfortable parts of yourself. And if you're not willing to do so, you will likely go right back to your old dysfunctional patterns.
The second one is to surround yourself with people who are on the same journey as you are. And this is why this takes place in a group setting. That's because in individual work, it's easy to just disregard your coach's advice and interpretations because they contradict your own beliefs and perceptions. Sometimes, you're right to do so—no coach is perfect. But when you're wrong, resistance can add weeks, months, or even years (and several thousands of dollars) to the process. And that's not counting all the lost growth, income, and opportunities you could have gained in that time. But in a group setting, where a number of people all experience similar issues that you have likely spent a lifetime avoiding, you can move past that resistance in a single session.
Lastly, the third key is to participate in experiential exercises that will help you stretch the elastic band even further on a regular basis. As Bessel Van Der Kolk explained it, experiential learning allows "the body to have experiences that deeply and viscerally contradict the helplessness, rage, or collapse that result from trauma."
In other words, this type of learning can actually rewire your nervous system, freeing it of the blockages that were causes by your past, and allow you to break free of the issues that have been holding you back for years. And by including those in the process, we'll make sure this yearlong program is as powerful as it can be! 

Key Lessons for the Year

Here's just some of the lessons you'll discover over the next year as part of this program:
Discover the mindset you need for growth, success, and transformation, and learn to recognize and intervene when you fall back to your old patterns. 
Identify the biggest and most limiting factors interfering with your personal growth and wellbeing.  
 Discover the root cause of your issues, and the reason why they manifested themselves in your life.
 Finally learn how to let go and move past your anxiety and other negative emotions.
 Heal your innermost wounds and limiting beliefs through a series of experiential exercises.
Learn how to set boundaries and create healthy relationships with others.
Discover how to make sure the transformation is long-lasting.
And more surprises along the way...
 Please note that these lessons are subject to changes as we continue crafting the best and most transformative yearlong journey for you. 

Everyone needs a Coach

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google – the company worth almost a trillion dollars that basically owns the Internet – once said that the greatest advice he ever received was to hire a coach, even though he didn’t think he needed one.
Even Bill Gates, one of the biggest success icons on the planet, proudly admits to hiring coaches to help him with everything from running his businesses to playing bridge.
In fact, they have both literally said the exact same four words: “Everyone needs a coach.” So, don’t listen to me… listen to the most successful people on the planet.
Because they know doing BIGGER and better things means you need a bigger, better mind. Otherwise you’ll only produce a small fraction of what you’re actually capable of.
But a deep, regular relationship with the right coach will stretch the limits of your reality, by giving you hard feedback to help blast through mental blocks, and laying out the exact steps you need to take to shoot far beyond your current limits.
The amount of inner and outer change you can suddenly produce in such a short time is INSANE. 
Whether it's to get in better mental, physical, psychological, or financial shape, or even to create long-lasting friendships and romantic connections...
Having someone coaching you every step of the way will get you there 10x as fast (if not 100x) as if you were trying to do it on your own.
So, for those looking for the extra support to make sure that you get the most out of this year's program, you also have... 

More kind words from our members

  •  I never thought I'd see such fast progress, not just in me but in everyone, in such a short time period. I'd been to shrinks, and it went on and on and on with no progress. And this has worked in just two months. 

    — Tom P.

  •  Thanks to this group, I feel like a completely different person with a whole new outlook on life. This was one of the greatest experiences of my life, because I got rid of the beliefs that didn't serve me. 

    — Sam S.

  • " It was hard to imagine three months ago that a group of strangers on the internet would become so important to me and teach me so much. I look forward to this every week. "

    — Ryan M.

  •  This shit works. The whole therapeutic industry needs to be burnt to the ground and rethought. 

    — Pratik S.

  •  This has been one of the best investments in time and financially that I've ever made in myself. 

    — Harpreet R.

  • ” Everyone wants to know what the turning point in my life was to dive in entrepreneurship. For me it was definitely being in The Society. It completely changed me as a person and my view of the world. Would have never done it without that. 

    — Alex D.

  • I wake up every day with a smile on my face thanks to this group. It’s been the most transformational six months of my life.

    — Jack F.

  • It gave me some tools that really helped me get through something I never thought I’d be able to recover from. It also helped me get out of my head and into my body, and helped me get more present than ever before. It really expanded my awareness.

    — M. D.

  • I’ve learned to really open myself up and feel the effect of the work happening in the course of a month.

    — G. A.

  • This group has helped me take action in many areas of my life. I finished the year in a much better place when it comes to being a father, in my relationship with my wife, and in the level of happiness I have in my work. It has been directly associated with the work we’ve been doing in the coaching groups and seminars, and also with implementing it in-between sessions every month.

    — M. S.

More kind words from our members

  •  I never thought I'd see such fast progress, not just in me but in everyone, in such a short time period. I'd been to shrinks, and it went on and on and on with no progress. And this has worked in just two months. 

    — Tom P.

  •  Thanks to this group, I feel like a completely different person with a whole new outlook on life. This was one of the greatest experiences of my life, because I got rid of the beliefs that didn't serve me. 

    — Sam S.

  • " It was hard to imagine three months ago that a group of strangers on the internet would become so important to me and teach me so much. I look forward to this every week. "

    — Ryan M.

  •  This shit works. The whole therapeutic industry needs to be burnt to the ground and rethought. 

    — Pratik S.

  •  This has been one of the best investments in time and financially that I've ever made in myself. 

    — Harpreet R.

  • ” Everyone wants to know what the turning point in my life was to dive in entrepreneurship. For me it was definitely being in The Society. It completely changed me as a person and my view of the world. Would have never done it without that. 

    — Alex D.

  • I wake up every day with a smile on my face thanks to this group. It’s been the most transformational six months of my life.

    — Jack F.

  • It gave me some tools that really helped me get through something I never thought I’d be able to recover from. It also helped me get out of my head and into my body, and helped me get more present than ever before. It really expanded my awareness.

    — M. D.

  • I’ve learned to really open myself up and feel the effect of the work happening in the course of a month.

    — G. A.

  • This group has helped me take action in many areas of my life. I finished the year in a much better place when it comes to being a father, in my relationship with my wife, and in the level of happiness I have in my work. It has been directly associated with the work we’ve been doing in the coaching groups and seminars, and also with implementing it in-between sessions every month.

    — M. S.

A chance to get additional group coaching with Neil!

 As part of the yearlong program, some of you will get the chance to join Neil's Direct Impact Coaching Group and receive additional coaching, either on a monthly or weekly basis. These small and intimate groups have been working with Neil for over two years, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. In fact, here are just some of the successes from the last year: 
  •  One person used Neil's advice to get very close to a seven figure salary—the most he had ever done in a single year—in the middle of a pandemic. He also wrote a 200-page book, got married, and even had his first child. 
  • Another had the biggest product launch of their career, and got engaged to the love of their life. 
  • One person left an abusive relationship, got a divorce after a long and arduous process with an uncooperative partner, reconnected with some of their passions, and started making plans to travel the world and live their best life. 
  • Another one lost over 30lbs, began writing a TV show, and started going through the same healing journey that Neil went through in The Truth. 
  • One member focused on building their self-confidence. And after just a few months, they received several offers for promotions, and ended up moving their entire family to a different country to live their dream lives. 
  •  Two additional members had children over the course of the last year after achieving their biggest breakthroughs yet. 
  • Several others broke up affairs and fully recommitted to their relationship...   
  • ...one of which went through several weeks of couples' therapy, repaired the bond with their partner, and is now in the best relationship of his life...  
  • And that was all in the span of a single year (or less) with the group! 
As part of this yearlong intensive, we opened a limited number of spots in both the monthly and weekly groups. How limited? We only took 24 people into the monthly groups. And only 5 in the weekly group. Our goal was to fill them with only the most dedicated of people. The ones who have already reached a certain level of success, and are ready for more. And we filled them up in less than a week. 
In fact, the demand was so high that we decided to open a waitlist. But in order to claim one of these spots, you will need to go through a rigorous interview process. Because we need to make sure you're truly ready for this. Because not everybody is. The Direct Impact Coaching group is not a comfortable experience. A lot of secrets will be shared and trust is particularly important. And the energy of the group is important. 
So, as an initial test of your commitment, and to make sure that only the ones who are truly serious about joining the group apply for one of these spots... We will ask that you put in a fully refundable $100 deposit to begin the interview process, and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly. 

What is the transformation of a lifetime worth to you?

 Your beliefs control your destiny. 
They determine the career path you take, how much money you make, who you meet, and the quality of those relationships.
They influence the decisions you make every single day, the risks you take, and the results you get.
Most importantly, they determine how happy you are with your life.
Think about the cost of a career that barely gets started, or an idea never pursued.
Think of the cost of divorces.
The cost of not believing in yourself.
And the cost of unhappiness.
Not just in terms of your finances, but in terms of your general wellbeing and life satisfaction.
Doing the necessary work to break through your most limiting beliefs in order to build the life you have always wanted... really is priceless.
And I'm saying this as someone who personally takes a portion of his income and commits to improving himself every year.
And it has paid off in 1,000x for me.
I've probably spent six figures on therapy and research for The Truth before I even knew it was a book.
But even if it hadn't been a book, it would have still been worth every penny, because without doing the work, my child wouldn't have been born, and I wouldn't have been this happy.
It's easy to not put monetary value on this. But it may be the most financially safe decision of your life. 

Money-Back Guarantee

"I understand that, if you are in the midst of a personal or life challenge, you may be wondering if the program is exactly what you need right now.   
But I believe in this process and how powerful it can be, so to make this decision incredibly easy and safe for those who can benefit from it... 
If you get accepted and feel within thirty days of your first group meeting that it doesn't live up to everything you expected, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked. " 
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